How To Make The Folding Picture

by Ridwan Fauzanullah

     Making the folding picture is not difficult to learn. Now you have to prepare some materials. These are: pencil, eraser, paper and tissue.

1. Making Object,
       Drawing means copy the shape of natural objects or unreal object. In the field of fine arts, the object is divided into two parts: figurative object and  Non figurative object. The Figurative object means that the real shape of the original object, while the non figurative object means the unreal shape or it is called imagination.

2 Giving Shadow and Light,
       Giving shadow and light means we have to know where the object is. If the light is in the right side, so the shadow is in the left side.

3. Dussel
       Dussel technique is the one of drawing techniques by use hands to rub the picture use tools to make the picture dark-light or thick-thin . Tools that can be used such as pencils, crayons, and Konte. It also makes the picture glossy and smooth.

4. Finishing
        Make your picture and clear some mistakes happen and share to your friends.

The Gordyn
Picture 01: The Gordyn

The Folding Fabric
Picture 02: The Folding Fabric

Thanks for visiting. See you next post. :)

Ridwan Fauzanullah 
An Indonesian who loves art.


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