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Brief Definition of Surrealism

        Surrealism is an art form that shows the freedom of creativity to go beyond the limits of logic. Surrealism can also be defined as a cultural movement that it has the elements of surprise as an expression of the philosophical movement. This flow mostly resemble the forms that are often encountered in dreams. Painter tried to ignore the overall shape then process each specific part of the object to produce a particular sensation that can be felt by humans without understanding its original form. Surrealism is an art work depicting a lack common, therefore, be regarded as an art surrealism beyond thoughts or logic. Surrealism art works can only be interpreted by an artist who created it and is very difficult for a person to interpret the work of art surrealism, because in essence of surrealism is irregular or skipping its groove (movement).

         If we open the Indonesian dictionary, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), surealisme/su·re·a·lis·me/ n : it is flowing in the literary arts are concerned with aspects of the human unconscious and non-rational in the images (above or beyond reality or reality).

         As another definition which states that surrealism is a painting realism or naturalism in the form of imagination and the impossible or a dream. Surrealism origin of the word first appeared in records of the ballet parade, in 1917, written by Guillaume Apolliuaire in his "Super Realism" or surrealism.Characteristic features of surrealism is the objects realist painting style trying to free themselves from the control of consciousness, which in turn requires freedom there is a tendency towards the realistic but still the odd relationships.

       The artists of surrealism are
Joan Miro, Salvador Dali darl Andre Masson; In Indonesia there are Sudibio, Sudiardjo and Amang Rahman.

       The surrealism pictures are not easy to be created. It takes many time. Here are mine. 

The Ship Of Life
Tree of Life
The Overlapped Sea

The Under Sea Town
The Fiction of Living Sea

    The Moon Light Story

Space of Nature

Source : (Translated to English) (Translated to English) (Translated to English)


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