The skies colours are describe your feeling. How are these coming?

The Skies Describe your Feeling.
Don't you get the meaning of the skies colours?

Well, let's go!

1. Blue, cyan and their family
Blue sky is the way to describe totaly fine and everything is going well.

2. Yellow and orange
Besides the yellow is meaning sunset or sunrise, yellow also means happiness? Hah are you serious? Yeah.
Orange is meaning have fun and popular like a star.
Yellow and orange are great colour to describe the winner, such as the golds.

3. Red, pink, maroon and their family
Okay. I love red colour. Do you know why? Because red means of love. But red also means angry or mad condition. We can see what is the painter feeling is in this colour.

4. White
White is clear colour, so the painter feel nothing and relax his mind.

5. Black and dark colours
These kind of colours can bring us to gloomy condition and dust picture.

6. Purple, violet, lavender and their family
Alright dear, these colour are my favorite colour. Because these are mixed of 3 colours: blue,white,red and these colours are meaning of France.
These colours mean of love and peace such as France and these are romantic.

I remember someone who met me in May and wearing purple colour, she was so beautiful and grace. A little story, hehe. I love her so much.

7. Another colours
Well, the last one is another colours.
This type can't be described and  sometime these can be changed.

7.1 Green

7.2 Brown

7.3 Grey

7.4 Mixing colours
    It can be mix the feeling.

7.5 Black and White
     We do not what they are feeling.

7.6 Sepia

7.7 Only sketching

 This is my own way to describe the colours.
I am not the clever artist but I just want to show what I feel about it.
If you have another way, please do not say that I am wrong. I am sorry for everything.

Thanks for your attention and show your own skies.

See you.


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