Strange and Weird Story

Strange and weird? What happened? Today, 26th July, 2014. I am Ridwan Fauzanullah will story about my bad dream. Around 5 AM. I was dreaming about my college. I do not know why it appeared different than usually. (Dreaming World). Well, read this story well.... Task 4 questions In my college, I had an unfinished accountancy task. So, I had desire to finish it but I didn't understand how to answer it. Oh my God, actually I was so different there. I didn't have a choice, so I ask my friend, Hapid to help me answer it. Then he lent my his book. Hapid's book The strange dream started happening in this moment. His book so different than I use to see before. "Is it Hapid's book?," I asked to myself. So, I gave his book back and I won't see anymore. 2 Stairs After that, the night came. It's so strange why all of my f...