
Showing posts from 2016

Face Sketching Steps.

Assalamu'alaikum. Welcome back to #RidwanFauzanullahArt, my beloved friend! It's been long day without any posting here. How is your September? Before I'll tell you how to draw it. I'd say "Happy Birthday 20th to Trie Hapsari Ningtyas (Tyas, 20/09/2016). Trie Hapsari Ningtyas - Duotone (Click to visit Instagram) Making sketch is not as easy as you though, but if you have desire and do action; you can do it. The first important thing that you should keep on your mind is "the complete tools are not important to have. If you see the type of pencil, you can find a lot of it. Right, you just need the soft pencil (B until 3b), hard pencil (4b until 9b), white pencil, eraser and sharper. That's enough. Choose one of soft and hard pencil like I do. I use 2B, 4B and 8B. Now, do sketching by following these steps: 1. make sketching by use soft pencil, 2. make sure all sketch done and draw shadows by using 4B and 8B (or you can do it part by par

The Brief Art Explaination

I have already explained to you about how to paint with the ink, now I have some examples: Combining two or more kinds of art to make your picture great. There are so many kinds of art around the world, for example, you can mix doodle art and silhouette. So the result probably like this: The doodle, a simple drawing that easy to draw. It's created by random or abstract shapes. It's usually can be found at the school on the notebook, book or plain paper. Silhouette is kind of painting of the outline shape and the interior by blocking all way. The commonly it uses the black ink. Do you have any idea to make another mixing pictures? 

Kartini's Day

Today, I'd say happy Kartini's Day!


Ridwan Fauzanullah/INK PAINTING/2016 Bogor / #RidwanFauzanullahArt Post - Bahasa Indonesia – English                            Assalamu’alaikum. It is nice to see you again, guys!               Hal yang menurut saya penting dalam menggambar apapun sih adalah motivasi diri. Kenapa demikian? Nih Art Lover , bagaimana sebuah karya tercipta dengan baik tanpa adanya niat sama sekali? Menggambar abstrak sekalipun harus ada niatnya. Sedikit tips dari saya nih , jadi kalau kita gagal membuat suatu lukisan, kita buat lagi seperti balas dendam. JANGAN MENGHABISKAN WAKTU UNTUK INI JUGA yah..     In my opinion, the important thing in drawing everythinh is self-motivation. Why do I say that? Let’s you, Art Lover think that ‘how can we create a masterpiece well without any desire? Abstract drawing also needs that one. I have a little piece of tips for you.When we got failure in making a painting-picture is like revenge. DO NOT SPEND ALL YOUR TIME IN DOING IT.    Bukan

Never Hopeless Doodle Art

Never Hopeless Doodle Art I only use 2 colours to make this one.

Taylor Swift Red Drawing

Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

Kimberly Perry Drawing

Kimberly Perry Kimberly Perry

Contoh Lukisan Wajah Murah Terbaru


Teknik Anatomi vs. Foto – Anatomy Techniques vs. Photo

Ridwan Fauzanullah/ANATOMY/2016 Bogor / RidwanFauzanullahArt’s Post                      Assalamu’alaikum. Hi guys! Welcome back!          Hari ini kita akan sedikit berdiskusi tentang anatomi. Kalian tahu apa itu anatomy? Today we will little bit discuss about anatomy. Do you know what is anatomy? Hijaber      Sebenarnya sih saya mahasiswa Bogor EduCARE dan ini belum pernah dipelajari disana. Tapi saya hanya mencoba menjelaskan apa yang saya ketahui tentang seni. Belajar anatomi adalah hal baru bagi saya setelah saya menyelesaikan Praktik Industri (PI) tahun 2015 di Perusahaan Umum Pembangunan Perumahan Nasional (Perum Perumnas). Saya mendapat 2 buku anatomi dan satu buku kaligrafi dari karyawan disana bernama Ruswan.        Actually, I am a college student in Bogor EduCARE and it has learn yet, but I am just trying to explain what I know about art. Learning anatomy is a new thing for me after I have done On The Job Training, 2015 in Perusahaan Umum Pem

Doodle Ulfa Safitri Rizkiani

 Diambil dari blog Ulfa Safitri Rizkiani Ketika ia hanya bisa melihat dari kejauhan Diantara lautan  yang terhampar Diantara beribu orang yang  mengelilinginya Dan memberinya rasa bahagia Ia tentu sadar, ia bukanlah gunung yang besar yang bisa terlihat walau dari kejauhan Bisa memperlihatkan keindahan ketika surya memancar memperlihatkan hijau kesegarannya Ia hanya malaikat tanpa sayap yang senantiasa melihatnya dari ribuan kilometer mendoakan ketika ia takut merindukan Berharap hidupnya menyenangkan     

Mengenal Ruang dan Bentuk - Knowing Space and Shape

Ridwan Fauzanullah/SPACE-SHAPE/2016 Bogor / RidwanFauzanullahArt’s Post                      Assalamu’alaikum. Hello! How are you?           Sekarang kita bahas hal yang sangat sederhana, yaitu ruang dan bentuk. Menggambar ruang dan bentuk pun ada tekniknya. Teknik itu sangat penting untuk gambar untuk bangunan,   pemandangan dan doodle. Ruang dan bentuk terdiri dari beberapa garis dan titik.      Now we explain about the simple thing; very simple thing; space and shape. Drawing space and shape also has technique. It is so important for drawing building, landscape and doodle. Space and shape consist of lines and dots.

Cara Menggambar Pantai dengan Cepat – How to Drawing Beach Fast

Ridwan Fauzanullah – Bogor, 2016.   #Ridwan FauzanullahArt’s Post Picture 01 : The Beaches by #RidwanFauzanullahArt Pantai, tentu semua orang tahu apa itu pantai terutama orang Indonesia. Negara kita Indonesia kaya dengan pantai. Namun, apakah kamu tahu beberapa orang tidak tahu bagaimana cara menggambarnya? Mudah kok mengambar pantai, disini kita akan sedikit membahas cara menggambar pantai dengan cepat.      The beaches, of course everyone knows what the beaches is especially Indonesian. Our country, Indonesia is rich of beaches, but do you know that some people  do not know how to draw it? It is so easy to draw it; we shall little bit discuss about how to draw beach fast.  A. Kenali apa itu pantai, / Knowing what beach is.      Sebelum kita menggambar pantai, lihat dahulu contoh gambar pantai. Kita bisa saja datang ke pantai sekitar kita atau lihat gambar di website . Perhatikan bentuk pasir, ombak, batuan koral disana.        Before we draw beach, we