Ridwan Fauzanullah/INK PAINTING/2016
Bogor / #RidwanFauzanullahArt Post - Bahasa Indonesia – English
It is
nice to see you again, guys!
Hal yang
menurut saya penting dalam menggambar apapun sih adalah motivasi diri. Kenapa demikian? Nih Art Lover, bagaimana sebuah karya tercipta dengan baik tanpa adanya
niat sama sekali? Menggambar abstrak sekalipun harus ada niatnya. Sedikit tips
dari saya nih, jadi kalau kita gagal
membuat suatu lukisan, kita buat lagi seperti balas dendam. JANGAN MENGHABISKAN
In my opinion,
the important thing in drawing everythinh is self-motivation. Why do I say
that? Let’s you, Art Lover think that ‘how can we create a masterpiece well
without any desire? Abstract drawing also needs that one. I have a little piece
of tips for you.When we got failure in making a painting-picture is like revenge.

I do not teach
you about that, I am not a college student who takes art major, but I just want
to share my experience in learning it starts from the first skratched until to
finishing. After I read an art module, so the summares of the differences of
drawing and painting can be taken as are follows: (1) drawing is the first step of planning until to the
detail that it is commonly use dry materials such as pencil and pen; (2)
painting is finishing of drawing or direcly uses the wet materials like ink,
water-colour and paint.
Sekarang kita berfokus
pada alat-alat yang digunakan dalam ink
paiting. Caranya mudah banget guys.
Persiapkan beberapa alat di bawah ini: We would like to focus to the
materials and tools in doing ink painting now. It is very easy to do, guys.
Prepare some tools below:
1. kertas putih 80gr. / 80gr. white paper,

Taking the thin paper will cause our painting-picture failure like the
stressed will be appeared to our paper because we will use the wet materials.
2. pensil untuk sketsa / sketching pencil,
Gunakan pensil
dengan beberapa seri, yaitu antara HB sampai 8B. Gunakan pensil yang menurut
kalian gampang digunakan.
Use some series of pencil, it’s between HB to 8B. Use the pencil that
you think easy to use.
3. pena atau spidol / pen or marker,
Pena tuh ada beberapa jenis juga tergantung
dari ukuran yaitu 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm dan 0.7mm, tapi spidol itu gak ada seri khususnya sih. Gunakan saja spidol yang bagus
warna hitamnya.
Pen has some kind of series
depends on its size. These are 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.7mm, but marker doesn’t has
the special kind. We just use the well-black ink.
4. tinta hitam / black ink,
Tinta hitam itu bahan
utama dalam jenis seni ini. Tinta ini dapat ditemukan dimana saja.
The black ink is the main material of this kind of art.
This one can be found everywhere.
5. tinta putih / white ink,
Tinta putih sih hanya untuk penyelesaian dalam jenis
seni ini. Tinta ini juga dapat ditemukan dimana saja.
The white ink is only for finishing of this kind of art.
This one also can be found everywhere.
6. beberapa kuas / several brushes,
7. penggaris tidak
disarankan / the ruler is not recomended.
Itulah bahan yang kita perlukan dalam
melukis dengan tinta. These are what we need in painting
uses ink.
See you next post.
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