The Amazing of Bogor,

by #RidwanFauzanullahArt Kota Bogor is my hometown. In Dutch, it is called Buitenzorg . It's the one wide city of Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tanggerang-Bekasi). The location of Bogor is in the West Java Province in Indonesia. I live here since I was born. In this city, the statue was built. It's called "Tugu Kujang." Well. We know that every time we enter a city , it will usually be greeted with a welcome presence of the symbol which usually symbolized by a tower -shaped building or commonly called the monument or memorial . When we entered the city of Bogor through the toll booth Jagorawi then turn towards the west towards the road Padjadjaran toward Cibinong , then we will see a magnificent statue shaped tower with a height of 17 meters , with an additional building in the form of a typical weapon ...