My Little Story Before 15/8/15

Ridwan dan his family
Ridwan Fauzanullah's Family

"We should have developed our skill in the young ages. There are many opportunities in this wide space. I got one the best place where I had a lot of knowledge. It's called Bogor EduCARE. I'll make my lecturers proud after graduating from my lovely college."

Ridwan dan his family
Ridwan Fauzanullah's Family

Yeah, I have a great day in August 15th on Saturday in my lovely college. It is Bogor EduCARE 17th grade graduation day.

In Bogor EduCARE, we can gain some knowledge and improve our talents; everyone there will always support us. "There's nothing can be reached without any struggle." That's true. I will tell the short story about my lovely college. It's free scholarship college to who have a big desire but do not have any school fee. 

Ridwan, Asep, Erwan, Fitri, Rizwan
Ridwan Fauzanullah and His Friend
All knowledge is taught in Bogor EduCARE is very beneficial for the world of work;
also in Bogor Educare we taught togetherness , family , compactness and Morals commendable.

In  Bogor EduCARE, the lecturers are graduated of some great major universities in Indonesia.

Ridwan Fauzanullah's and His Friends
The first moment was MOM (Masa Orientasi Mahasiswa). This moment was so memorable of our heart, 17th grade of Bogor EduCARE. Why not ? At this moment, we did not all know each other. Through several processes, we did joke, laughed, learned discipline, learned mutual respect to others, recognized differences of some cultures and a lot of things that we got there. I am very proud to have it.
We were taught some knowledge by 16th grade of Bogor EduCARE.

Ridwan Fauzanullah and His Friends
Then, I have there classes in Bogor EduCARE. These are 1 Innovative Class, 2 Assertive Class and 3 Confident Class. Bogor EduCARE uses trimester system, so I have studied there for 1 year. I joined English Speaking Club for 1 years (1st trimester: Miss Chusy and Mam Lindawati; 2nd trimester: Mam Widi; 3rd trimester: Mam Rani) and Library Division for 8 months and I was a leader of circulation. (my supervisor is Miss Chusy).

Sarah , Ridwan , Sri Wahyuti
Ridwan Fauzanullah and His Friends

After graduating, I continued to PI (Praktik Industri) program or we call it "On The Job Training." I did it in Perusahaan Umum Pembangunan Perumahan Nasional (Perum Perumnas) at Department of Human Resource Development. I practice what I got in Bogor EduCARE

Ridwan Fauzanullah and His Friends

Next, I made report and my supervisor in
Bogor EduCARE was Mam Nur Hanifah, S.pd. She is a great lecture. Thank you so much to be patient in correcting and helping me in making report. I am so sorry for all mistakes I have made. 

Ridwan Fauzanullah and His Friends
After Finishing created my report, I presented my report and my examiner was Mam Widi and Mam Yuni. They were kind to me when I did presentation.
We laughed sometimes and they told me what should I fix. They said to me that the people around here (my place) are seldom to get presentation. I was very proud there. 

Finally, I got graduation day with my lovely friends, 17th grade of Bogor EduCARE. Thank you so much to all BEC lecturers. :)



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